TAT is an effective method for reducing stress in the body and mind.
When life challenges us, a natural and often unconscious response is to tell ourselves "this is too much for me." In our response, we set up patterns of mental, emotional and physical behaviors. As we move through life and new events happen that remind us consciously or unconsciously of earlier trauma, we respond as if still threatened. We lose the ability to know if we are truly experiencing a threatening event or one that only resembles the earlier trauma.
"It is as if life were a flowing stream, and at one point, out of fear, you roll a boulder into it to try to dam the flow in order to keep a traumatic event from happening to you. The water, of course, simply flows around the boulder, but in your life - in your body, mind and emotions - there is a blockage that wasn't there before." ~ Tapas Fleming
Tapas Acupressure Technique® (TAT®) was developed by Tapas Fleming, practitioner of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist. The goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to restore balance to the body and mind. TAT uses a combination of acupressure points "pose" (that the client holds) and spoken "steps" (the clinician guides) to remove the stressful charge of a traumatic event so that it can be integrated into your whole being; bringing you balance.
TAT is an energy psychology intervention. Energy psychology describes a family of interventions that involve tapping or holding specific acupoints, combined with specific mental imagery, in order to treat a wide range of medical and psychological conditions.
TAT is an accelerated information processing (AIP) technique. TAT helps the brain and body reorganize the information learned, reducing stress and allowing you to make life changes. . . gently moving the boulder aside.
TAT has been clinically studied by scientists from the Kaiser Center for Health Research (Kaiser Permanente Northwest) and the University of Arizona. Their study compared TAT with Social Support for weight maintenance after weightloss. The TAT group gained little weight whereas the other two groups gained at least six times as much. See the Randomized Trial of Tapas Acupressure Technique® For Weight Loss Maintenance: Rationale and Study Design By Elder, MD, MPH; Gallison, LAc; Lindberg, PhD; DeBar, PhD; Funk, MS, RD; Ritenbaugh, PhD; and Stevens, PhD at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine.
TAT is a fairly new modality that is used widely with anecdotal and clinical evidence supporting it's use.
Nannette has trained in TAT Application to Clinical Practice. She is continuing her
study of TAT with other clinicians and a TAT Trainer. Nannette is a TATLife Affiliate. Tapas Acupressure Technique, TAT, TATLife and TATLife Affilate are registered trademarks of Tapas
Fleming. Please see TATLife's website for information about TAT from Tapas
Photo Credits:
Photos of the El Yunque Forest and El Yunque Stream are my own. Please enjoy them and use them where you like crediting Nannette Nero Zuke.
TATLife® and the TAT Pose is the property of Tapas Fleming. Please view her website for more information about Tapas Acupressure Technique and related products.
TAT Study flowchart and image of TAT "pose" from the Randomized Trial of Tapas Acupressure Technique® For Weight Loss Maintenance: Rationale and Study Design By Elder, MD, MPH; Gallison, LAc; Lindberg, PhD; DeBar, PhD; Funk, MS, RD; Ritenbaugh, PhD; and Stevens, PhD at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine.
Nannette Nero Zuke, LMFT, LLC, Counseling & Psychotherapy, Kennebunk, Maine
Southern Maine Area Counselor